world design capital
Cape Town launches open data portal
African vessels inspire contemporary artists
African vessels inspire contemporary artists
Five points about the future of innovation in South Africa
US-based blogger Ngozi Onuoha was part of a group of seven journalists from UK, US and China taken on a tour of Johannesburg and Cape Town by Brand South Africa earlier this year. This is what she found.
Five points about the future of innovation in South Africa
US-based blogger Ngozi Onuoha was part of a group of seven journalists from UK, US and China taken on a tour of Johannesburg and Cape Town by Brand South Africa earlier this year. This is what she found.
Global travellers rate South Africa tops in Conde Nast awards
Global travellers rate South Africa tops in Conde Nast awards
What makes South African cities competitive?
What makes South African cities competitive?
South Africa must work hard to raise rankings internationally
South Africa places highly in several international rankings on competitiveness and governance, but some sticking points keep it back, most notably that it is a country of economic extremes. The National Development Plan aims to overturn this status and bring equality; such a change will have a knock-on effect on competitiveness.