Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute
Local researchers honoured at their ‘Oscars’
South African medical research institutes rank among the best in the world and are equal to internationally respected institutes, Science and Technology Minister Naledi Pandor said in handing out the National Science and Technology Forum Awards.
World Aids Day 2014: Zero stigma, zero discrimination
Using the UNAids World Aids Day theme for 2011 to 2015 – “Getting to Zero” – over the next 12 months South Africa will focus on achieving zero discrimination against people living with HIV and Aids, while not forgetting the goals of zero HIV infections and zero Aids-related deaths.
Breathing new life into Hillbrow
Johannesburg’s inner city suburb of Hillbrow has become home to a new world class maternal and child health facility. The Shandukani Centre, one of the largest non-hospital based clinics in Southern Africa, will provide expert healthcare and treatment to vulnerable women and children, right on their doorstep.
• SA’s second health train rolls out
South African team leads study on anti-HIV gel
A South African team of researchers will soon lead a major follow-up clinical trial to confirm the effectiveness and safety of tenofovir gel, an antiretroviral microbicide, which has been proven to reduce HIV infection in women.
• Major HIV prevention breakthrough