Minister Sisulu’s statement on South Africa’s vote on the situation of human rights in...
Minister Sisulu’s statement on South Africa’s vote on the situation of human rights in Myanmar
As part of the review of South Africa’s Foreign Policy,...
Gift of the Givers: 25 years of philanthropy: Dr YM Essack: medical co-ordinator
South Africa is a unique and amazing nation; the spirit of ubuntu lives in us. In a series of five articles, we share stories...
Mandela’s Gun: The story of the first weapon against apartheid
2 November 2016
The film Mandela's Gun tells the story of a young Nelson Mandela and the symbolism of his side-arm weapon. A semiautomatic Makarov...
Role of tertiary sector in shaping the nation brand
Sulaiman Philip
In the ongoing Nation Brand Forum University Dialogues, a panel at the University of Pretoria (UP) spoke about the role of the tertiary...
Honouring South Africans who fought in World War I
It has been a century since South African and other soldiers lost their lives in World War I. The refurbishment of the Delville Wood...
South Africa leads the way at Safari-1
More than two decades ago, Safari-1 was the first nuclear research reactor in the world to turn
its back on weapons grade fuel. Leading the Atoms for Peace charge, South Africa is the only
country to give up nuclear weapons in favour of science. Safari-1 turned 50 this month.
Remembering Mandela, one year on
It has been a year since Nelson Mandela passed on. His departure, mourned by the world, still impacts us today, prompting us to live by his example with compassion, reconciliation and Ubuntu.
21 years on, SA remains ‘lesson in nuclear disarmament’
South Africa dismantled its nuclear weapons programme in 1993 - and the country's
progressive disarmament policies continue to play a significant role in the global
nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime.
The art of weaponry
Ralph Ziman worked with a group of Zimbabwean wire beaders to make replica AK-47s and ammunition. Then he took photos in downtown Joburg, depicting an eerie, frightening world for his exhibition, Ghosts. It was not to glamorise guns, he says, but to spark a debate.
Inauguration preparations in full swing
Preparations are in full swing for Jacob Zuma's inauguration as South African President on Saturday. The event is expected to draw thousands of people, including around 40 current and former heads of state, to the Nelson Mandela Amphitheatre at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.