time magazine

Nelson Mandela books: a selection

The world's authors - from biographers and journalists to friends and comrades - have found compelling stories to tell about a life lived with courage and conviction. Here's a selection of some of the best books about Nelson Rohlihlahla Mandela.

King Kong swings back on to South African stages

The massively successful King Kong musical is back on South African stages. More than half a century ago, it helped to launch the careers...

South African HIV/Aids research pioneer Glenda Gray on 2017 Time’s 100 Most Influential list

Dr Glenda Gray, the pioneering medical researcher, who specialises in the search for a vaccine for HIV/Aids, is the only South African to be...

Remembering Mama Africa: 10 classic Miriam Makeba moments

9 November 2016 Zenzile Miriam Makeba was born in Johannesburg on 4 March 1932; she died on 9 November 2008 in Castel Volturno, Italy, following...

South Africa’s top women gather

The first Annual Top Women Conference is under way at Emperor's Palace in Ekurhuleni, east of Johannesburg. The two-day conference, taking place today and...

Africa’s Great Green Wall to stop the spreading Sahara

The Great Green Wall of Africa is an AU vision to create an enormous belt of trees running for 7 000 kilometres along the southern border of the Sahara, from the west coast all the way to the east. A plan to stop desertification, it's been described as a "daring endeavour in human history, a real world wonder".
Africans on Time magazine's 2016 100 Most Influential list

Africans on Time magazine’s 2016 100 Most Influential list

The Time 100 is an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world, including academics, politicians, cultural personalities and philanthropists. A number of Africans and Africa-related events feature this year.

Remembering Mandela, one year on

It has been a year since Nelson Mandela passed on. His departure, mourned by the world, still impacts us today, prompting us to live by his example with compassion, reconciliation and Ubuntu.

South Africa’s Public Protector receives Transparency International’s Integrity Award

Without fear or favour Thuli Madonsela, South Africa’s Public Protector, investigates state agencies and officials. Her unwavering integrity has won her the 2014 Transparency International Integrity Award.

South Africa’s Public Protector receives Transparency International’s Integrity Award

Without fear or favour Thuli Madonsela, South Africa’s Public Protector, investigates state agencies and officials. Her unwavering integrity has won her the 2014 Transparency International Integrity Award.