Statement on Arcelormittal South Africa
Brand South Africa welcomes the news that the country is no longer in recession...
Celebrating the South African Constitutional Court
The Constitutional Court is a powerful reminder of how far the country has come. Its Great African Steps are built of the bricks from Number Four prison, holding within them the memories of the countless prisoners denied their dignity. Its design is symbolic of "justice under a tree"; it is a masterpiece of the South African transition.
South African Premier Business Awards finalists named
Women in Science awards
18 facts about the 9-metre Mandela statue
Industry trends and influencers at marketing and advertising expo
A wild beard and fierce convictions
Many voices brought down apartheid, and writer Cornelius Thomas is determined the less-famous activists will also be remembered for their participation in the struggle.
• Cultural group writes own history
Les Amazones d’Afrique sing for human rights and gender equality
Iron Lady of manganese takes on mining’s big boys
Daphne Mashile-Nkosi is the owner of a multimillion-rand manganese mine in the arid Northern Cape town of Hotazel and one of a handful of women in South Africa's mining industry. Battle-hardened by her experiences in the struggle against apartheid, she's not afraid to tackle those who stand in her way.