
The Township economy’s growth presents opportunities for investors near and far

This Africa Month, celebrated against the backdrop of South Africa’s 30 years of democracy should remind us that Africans have always traded.   The Mapungubwe Kingdom...
A wavy South African flag screen-printed on mesh fabric, showing economic growth, investment momentum, and business opportunities in South Africa

South Africa’s continued progression through the lens of the 2022 Census

In recent years, South Africa has experienced significant demographic shifts, marked notably by a growing population, with a substantial portion of this growth attributed...

Mr Mlungisi Johnson

Mr Johnson was born in Keiskamahoek and grew up in New Brighton, Port Elizabeth. He has a Certificate in Public Development and Management from...

The preservation of water is everyone’s responsibility

According to South African Human Rights Commission, Chapter 2 of the Constitution of South Africa provides that everyone has the right to have access...

Brand South Africa’s Play Your Part Ambassador PrincessD inspires young girls

Brand South Africa and its Play Your Part Ambassador Shamila Ramjawan also known as PrincessD, played their part on Nelson Mandela International Day in...

Key focuses from President Cyril Ramaphosa’s second SONA

On Thursday 7 February 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered the 25th annual State of the Nation Address in democratic South Africa. Citizens anticipated a few...

Key focuses from President Cyril Ramaphosa’s second SONA

On Thursday 7 February 2019, President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered the 25th annual State of the Nation Address in democratic South Africa. Citizens anticipated a few...

The NDP at five: lessons learnt, emerging challenges and enhancing implementation

The plan was about our dreams and aspirations and actionable steps to achieve them, said Minister Jeff Radebe, in recounting its successes. Sulaiman Philip The National...

South Africa hosting WEF on Africa

Global leaders in government, civil society, academia and the media are headed to Durban in early May as South Africa hosts the annual World...

South African entrepreneurs talk about making eco-friendly products

Several small business owners made a conscious decision to produce non-toxic and biodegradable products. Here's their why. Melissa Javan Her passion for the environment and making...