road safety
Brand South Africa Partners with the Eastern Cape Department of Transport, Tourism, National Heritage...
The dozen agencies that keep the country moving
Brand SA and its partners promote road safety
South African career women disrupt their industries
Transport Month celebrates the ‘heartbeat’ of South Africa’s economy
SKA South Africa invests in local people
Streetiquette teaches people about road safety
Open Streets Cape Town is working with the city and Western Cape province on an innovative way to improve pedestrian safety. Streetiquette makes use of performance art on busy city streets to start conversations and change ways of behaving.
Countrywide call for child car safety seats
Car Seats for Kids has run in Joburg for the past three years; now, this Transport Month, it is in Western Cape. It is calling for donations of child car safety seats from anywhere in the country. Play Your Part and keep our children safe on the roads.
Volkwagen and partners follow up on commitment
Earlier this year, Volkswagen, Qhubeka and World Vision donated bicycles to rural learners in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape. They returned for a pilot programme in bicycle maintenance, a road safety clinic and to deliver backpacks filled with books and stationery.