
Insights into doing business in South Africa

A Group of journalists from the United Arab Emirates are on a fact-finding mission to South Africa to learn more about the country’s economy and business environment.
Media tour boosts China-Africa link

Journalists get close-up on business in SA

Journalists from the Middle East, visiting the country as guests of Brand South Africa, are introduced to the constructive role businesses play in reaching SA's economic growth, development and transformation goals.

SA starts social grant clean-up, upgrade

The South African Social Security Agency is embarking on a major project to re-register and verify the identities of the country's social grant beneficiaries in order to rid the system of corruption and ensure that grants are paid to the right people only.

36 new schools for Gauteng province

Thirty-six new schools will be opened in South Africa's Gauteng province during this year's first term, with 13 of these expected to be ready for occupation when inland province schools open on Wednesday.

SA banks get thumbs-up from Moody’s

Ratings agency Moody's has kept the outlook for South Africa's banking system stable, citing the continuation of benign macroeconomic conditions and solid capital buffers.

Smart card ID system for South Africa

The one document no South African can do without, the identity document or ID, is about to get smart, with the Department of Home Affairs planning to begin a pilot project to replace the ID with a smart card system in early 2012.
New SA fingerprint tool a world first

South Africa scores for ease of business

South Africa has climbed one place to 35th out of 183 countries on the World Bank's latest Ease of Doing Business Index, boosted by SA's new Companies Act, which has made it easier to start a new business in the country, and by its retention of first place for ease of access to credit.

House price growth stalls in September

House price growth slowed to 0.6% in September according to a report by Standard Bank, with the slowdown running in parallel with the weakening South African economy.

95% of SA registered with Rica

The number of mobile phone users in South Africa who’ve registered their network connection or sim cards in accordance with the new Regulation of Interception of Communication Act (Rica) has jumped to over 37-million.
South Africa braces for digital TV switch-on

Aviation, maritime careers for youth

The Eastern Cape provincial government is on a mission to encourage youngsters to enlist for a range of newly established aviation and maritime learnerships.
Siren of the SA skies