Improved Visa Regulations will boost Investment and Tourism
Brand South Africa would like to acknowledge ordinary citizens who are playing their part...
Ponte City – a beacon of hope in downtown Johannesburg
The unusual Ponte City that towers over Hillbrow has had a chequered history. Once home to the elite hip white city folk, it fell into disrepair. It became a vertical slum, notorious for its crime-infested corridors. But it has been given a new lease of life, and is an example of workable urban regeneration.
Gift of the Givers: 25 years of philanthropy: Owen Williams
Gift of the Givers: 25 years of philanthropy: Dr YM Essack: medical co-ordinator
Fistball’s finest come to South Africa for World Cup
Rebellion and celebration in Mali’s music
From Mogadishu to Mayfair: Somali diaspora finds home in Johannesburg
During apartheid, Somalia took in South Africans fleeing from an oppressive government. In recent times, South Africa has had to pay back the favour, taking in Somali refugees running from a civil war. In Johannesburg, particularly, Somalis have found a home in a bustling neighbourhood where their entrepreneurial spirit can thrive: Mayfair.
Elephants’ dung used to produce coffee and paper
One of the big 5 are drawing more than just tourists to the African bush. Elephant dung is now being used to create paper in Africa and flavour artisanal coffee in Thailand.
Dadaab: the camp that’s changing the world’s view on refugees
A transit camp to house Somalis fleeing war has, over two decades, become the largest refugee camp in the world. Now its 360 000 residents face an uncertain future as the Kenyan government announces its closure.