
Opening Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Second South Africa Investment Conference

Opening Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa at the Second South Africa Investment Conference 6 November 2019, Sandton Convention Centre, Johannesburg Programme Director, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is...

The 2019 Africa Energy Indaba embraces innovation

The 11th annual Africa Energy Indaba Conference took place at the Sandton Convention Centre last week under the theme Africa’s Energy Future. The two-day conference...

Brand South Africa calls on citizens for humanitarian support following a massive fire in...

Johannesburg, Friday, 07 December 2018 - Brand South Africa calls on citizens for humanitarian support following a massive fire in Alexandra (Alex) on Thursday,...

Brand South Africa joins the country in mourning and honouring the fallen firefighter heroes

 Johannesburg, Wednesday 12 September 2018 –  Brand South Africa joins the country in mourning the three firefighters who lost their lives in the line...

The NDP at five: lessons learnt, emerging challenges and enhancing implementation

The plan was about our dreams and aspirations and actionable steps to achieve them, said Minister Jeff Radebe, in recounting its successes. Sulaiman Philip The National...

South Africa hosting WEF on Africa

Global leaders in government, civil society, academia and the media are headed to Durban in early May as South Africa hosts the annual World...

Township entrepreneurs recognised for success

There were 17 categories in this year's Township Entrepreneurship Awards, while the Lifetime Achievement Award was handed to Dr Sam Motsuenyane, the former president...

Bongekile Radebe tells us why representation matters

Bongekile Radebe tells us why it’s important to have positive role models to inspire young South Africans to pursue their dreams. Bongekile Radebe For a young,...

Full text: South Africa’s 2017 budget speech

South Africa's finance minister, Pravin Gordhan, presented what many believe to be a tough budget. At the same time he calls on all South...

SONA: Red carpet looks

President Jacob Zuma delivered his State of the Nation address last night, but it wasn't just his speech that caught people's attention. Take a...