
City of Joburg and Miss Earth SA spruce up Mshenguville Park

On World Environment Day, Miss Earth SA contestants along with social activist and Play Your Part ambassador Catherine Constantinides, as well as the mayor...

A doctor to heal the earth

"The participants made an effort to inspire and educate individuals, schools, communities, corporate South Africa and policymakers to consider the environment and the challenges...

Miss Earth South Africa plants trees for Africa Day

earth thumbAfrica Day gave the 2016 participants of Miss Earth South Africa a chance to get their hands dirty when they planted trees at Midrand Primary School, all in the name of protecting our environment.

Joburg to produce its own electricity from landfill

Gas is flared at Robinson Deep, Johannesburg's biggest landfill, and at Marie Louise, another of its five sites. But generators will be installed this year at the former to turn the methane into power. When all its landfills are all online, it will produce enough power to supply 12 500 middle-income households.

Recycling companies across South Africa

recyclingbins tbA number of companies around the country make it simple to recycle plastics, paper, glass and even building materials. Here's a guide to recycling across South Africa.

OR Tambo 67 minutes

For 67 minutes Mjikeni had an event and invited Mr Dali Tambo to come to the centre for the first time since 1995 and also invited companies to partner like JRA, Pikitup, Nestle, Coca cola, Jhb Market, to join hands in this initiative.

Artists recycle, re-evaluate ‘waste’

South African artists Hannelie Coetzee and Usha Seejarim, founders of the Such Initiative, are creating eco-conscious public art from waste to raise awareness about recycling.

Waste gives Such artistic inspiration

Two South African artists are creating eco-conscious public art from waste to raise awareness about recycling.
Waste drive reaps rewards

The changing face of Soweto

Once a dusty, dry and forgotten dormitory for South Africa's "city of gold", Soweto is staking its claim to Johannesburg's riches. At the same time, it is becoming a vibrant, sustainable and economically active city in its own right.