national research foundation

Women in Science awards

Women were the largest untapped global reservoir of talent, the audience was reminded at the Women in Science awards, where the country’s leading female...

Five South African human rights NGOs you should know about

To celebrate Human Rights Day on 21 March, here is a look at five of South Africa's NGOs working for human rights in the country and beyond, organisations dedicated to the promotion of human dignity, equality and freedom.

Cape Town to honour pioneering medical researcher Hamilton Naki

A posthumous honour is in the pipeline for the late Hamilton Naki, the medical research specialist who helped the team that performed the world’s...

The Limpopo province has many competitive advantages

Polokwane, Friday 2 September 2016 – Brand South Africa will conclude its three day programme aimed at showcasing the competitive strengths of the province...

Early birth registration ensures access to basic services

(Image: Isaiais Bartolomeu, Pixabay) Polokwane, Wednesday 31 August 2016 – Brand South Africa's programme to showcase the competitiveness of the province of Limpopo, saw media...

Brand South Africa invites media to experience the exceptionalism of KwaZulu-Natal

Johannesburg, Tuesday 12 July 2016 – Brand South Africa and its partners – the Departments of Trade and Industry and KwaZulu-Natal Health, National Research...

Brand South Africa co-hosts International Conference on Africa Unity for Renaissance

The Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute in partnership with Brand South Africa, the Human Sciences Research Council, Department of Science and Technology, National Research Foundation, International Council for Sciences and Tshwane University of Technology and will host the sixth International Conference on Africa Unity for Renaissance and Africa Day Expo from 23 to 25 May 2016.

The impact, profile and reputation of South Africa on the African continent

Brand South Africa and the South African Research Chair Initiative in African Diplomacy is hosting a roundtable on South Africa relations with fellow African countries at the University of Johannesburg. Based on Brand South Africa's SA Inc research project, the findings that will be shared will provide a holistic view of South Africa's impact on the continent.

New push for careers in science and innovation

An information portal has been launched by the Department of Science and Technology designed to inspire pupils and students to become scientists and engineers. Alongside career insight, it includes information on things such as bursaries and funding in the sector.

South African university plans telescope

A R70-million telescope is planned for the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The Hirax will be the university's legacy project, and will allow its astronomers to look back in time, to a few billion years after the beginning of time. It will consist of a thousand dishes of 6m in diameter each.