South Africa reports on energy investments
Full text: South Africa’s 2016 Budget speech
Emphasising that South Africans are "resilient, committed and resourceful", Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan delivered his 2016 Budget speech to the National Assembly in Parliament on Wednesday 24 February. Read the full speech, watch the video, and download key documents.
South Africas Medupi Power Station is up and running
A working effort to improve SA’s competitiveness
Despite the current challenges which are impacting negatively on the country’s economic growth and outlook, Brand South Africa is cognisant that the implementation of the National Development Plan and its supporting plans.
South Africa benefits from renewables
South Africa will not privatise Eskom
Minister Brown: we are not close to a blackout
At a press briefing held on 15 April, 2015, Public Enterprises minister, Lynne Brown, has assured South Africans that despite the implementation of stage three of load shedding, the country is not close to a power blackout.