
South Africa reports on energy investments

South Africa has reiterated its commitment to the development of the energy sector as one of the most vital keys to easing constraints to economic growth. The expansion of the nuclear energy will be implemented over the next decade, adding to the R83-billion already invested in Eskom.

Full text: South Africa’s 2016 Budget speech

Emphasising that South Africans are "resilient, committed and resourceful", Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan delivered his 2016 Budget speech to the National Assembly in Parliament on Wednesday 24 February. Read the full speech, watch the video, and download key documents.

South Africa’s Medupi Power Station is up and running

Despite all the constructions delays and labour turmoil, Medupi Power Station went into commercial operation on Sunday, 23 August. It will pump almost 800 megawatts of power into the national grid and will help to alleviate the load shedding that has plagued the country.

A working effort to improve SA’s competitiveness

 Despite the current challenges which are impacting negatively on the country’s economic growth and outlook, Brand South Africa is cognisant that the implementation of the National Development Plan and its supporting plans.

South Africa benefits from renewables

The Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme has won international awards for its efficiency and impact. Over its four rounds, the cost of renewable power generation has fallen, and power and hope have been brought to forgotten communities.

South Africa will not privatise Eskom

The state will not privatise basic services, such as electricity and sanitation, but South Africans can expect load shedding for the next three years while it finishes new power stations. Already, Medupi has passed the 700MW milestone and will be fully operational by the end of June.

Minister Brown: we are not close to a blackout

At a press briefing held on 15 April, 2015, Public Enterprises minister, Lynne Brown, has assured South Africans that despite the implementation of stage three of load shedding, the country is not close to a power blackout. 

Eskom’s Medupi power station produces first electricity

The first of Medupi power station's six units was connected to South Africa's national power grid on Monday, marking "an exciting milestone" toward full commercial power of the Limpopo plant, Eskom boss Tshediso Matona said.

Eskom’s Medupi power station produces first electricity

The first of Medupi power station's six units was connected to South Africa's national power grid on Monday, marking "an exciting milestone" toward full commercial power of the Limpopo plant, Eskom boss Tshediso Matona said.

Technical issues push out Medupi date

The first unit at the coal-powered electricity station is close to first synchronisation, with the unit expected to be fully operational by winter - when power usage traditionally increases. Eskom has again turned to load shedding as electricity supply is constrained, highlighting the need for the new station.