Mandela Day Marathon
Run a marathon for Madiba
Starting at Manaye Hall in Imbali – where he gave his last speech as a free man – and ending at the Capture Site, where the Black Pimpernel was finally caught, the Mandela Day Marathon is symbolic of the triumph of the human spirit. There are also shorter distances, a trail run and mountain bike rides.
Big entry expected for Mandela Day Marathon
The 2014 Mandela Day Marathon, to be run from Pietermaritzburg's Imbali Township, where Nelson Mandela made his final speech before his imprisonment, to Howick, where he was arrested in 1962, takes place on 31 August, with over 10 000 athletes expected to be running.
Durban hosts AIMS Congress ahead of Comrades
The Comrades Marathon Association will be hosting about 200 delegates from around the world at the 20th World Congress of AIMS (the Association of International
Marathons and Distance Races) in Durban this week.
Mandela deeds in motion
From a book drive to help underprivileged schools build libraries, to a marathon commemorating the 1962 arrest in the KwaZulu-Natal town of Howick, Mandela Day events are all the buzz.
• Schools to benefit for Mandela Day