lynne brown
South Africa hosting WEF on Africa
South Africa will not privatise Eskom
Statement by Minister Lynne Brown on the appointment of Brian Molefe as acting chief...
Brian Molefe is the current Group Chief Executive of Transnet and his secondment is with immediate effect. His experience in having turned around the Public Investment Corporation and providing stability at Transnet is a clear indication that Molefe is no stranger in leading complex institutions.
Minister Brown: we are not close to a blackout
At a press briefing held on 15 April, 2015, Public Enterprises minister, Lynne Brown, has assured South Africans that despite the implementation of stage three of load shedding, the country is not close to a power blackout.
Minister Brown: we are not close to a blackout
At a press briefing held on 15 April, 2015, Public Enterprises minister, Lynne Brown, has assured South Africans that despite the implementation of stage three of load shedding, the country is not close to a power blackout.
Eskom’s Medupi power station produces first electricity
Power crisis: The blame game won’t help
"One would be hard pressed to find a South African who does not have an opinion on the current power crisis," writes Minister of Public Enterprises Lynne Brown. "Such robust debate is welcomed as part of our democracy. Nevertheless, there are times when the need for a nation to rise as one and work towards the greater good is paramount."