
Brand South Africa’s recipient of the Play Your Part award 2018 for SA Premier...

The 6th SA Premier Business Awards preparations are underway and the call for entry is open till the 22nd February 2019. Brand South Africa’s recipient...

Brand South Africa and partners rally to contribute to the provision of quality education

Johannesburg, Friday 28 October 2016 – Brand South Africa in partnership with Rally to Read and Barefoot No More, will contribute to national efforts...

South Africa will not privatise Eskom

The state will not privatise basic services, such as electricity and sanitation, but South Africans can expect load shedding for the next three years while it finishes new power stations. Already, Medupi has passed the 700MW milestone and will be fully operational by the end of June.

South Africa moves ahead with nuclear new build plans

The third and final nuclear vendor parade workshop will take place with Canada and Japan this month. South Africa is looking at pressurised water reactor nuclear technology, similar to what it has safely used at Koeberg for the past 30 years.

Power ships may ease South Africa’s energy woes

Power ships are proving to be a quick-fix temporary solution to electricity constraints around the world. In Africa, they are used to good effect in Ghana. The floating power stations are either anchored off shore or moored at quayside and transmit power through cables or transmission lines.

‘Significant progress’ for SA’s nuclear programme

A tender process for the building of new nuclear power stations in South Africa will soon be introduced as the government wraps up workshops with potential vendor countries, such as Russia, France, China, South Korea and the US, the Presidency said on Wednesday.

Necsa unpacks the benefits of nuclear energy

When it comes to South Africa's nuclear energy plans, there are two major issues to consider: the country is not producing enough science, technology and engineering graduates, and what to do with nuclear waste, the real nightmare for many people. Work is being done on these, says Necsa's chief, in the second of a two-parter interview.

Nuclear power holds promise for South Africa

There are many positive benefits to nuclear energy, not least of which is enough power to end load shedding and blackouts. But there is strong resistance to the idea of nuclear. "People need to understand that we are not a scary industry; we are in your everyday world," says the head of Necsa in the first of a two-parter interview.

Nuclear build announcement ‘within two months’

The Department of Energy will make a definite announcement on South Africa's nuclear build future within the next two months, Energy Minister Ben Martins told a business briefing in Pretoria on Monday.

Eskom signs $7m software deals

South African state power company Eskom has signed two software licence agreements with global software company Ventyx in a deal worth US$7-million (about R56-million) to improve its real-time network monitoring and control of operations.