Shuttleworth start-up fund II
HBD, the venture capital firm created by internet billionaire Mark Shuttleworth, has launched its second fund, worth R150-million, to finance young South African businesses that develop products with global potential.
SA doubles investment in Moz
South Africa doubled its direct investment in Mozambique in 2005, confirming its position as the single largest foreign investor in the country.
SA, Netherlands in double-tax deal
South Africa and the Netherlands have signed an avoidance of double taxation treaty in an effort to boost trade and investment.
E London IDZ lands first investors
The first three investors in the East London Industrial Development Zone are set to inject R188-million into the Eastern Cape economy.
SA, Angola strengthen ties
South Africa and Angola have signed four agreements aimed at strengthening economic and social co-operation between the two countries.
South Africans told: ‘Go Open’
The Go Open Source campaign is an R18-million investment by Hewlett-Packard, the Shuttleworth Foundation and the CSIR to promote the use of open source software among South African home users, scholars and small businesses.
BEE shipping stirs up SA seas
South Africa ranks among the world's top 12 maritime trading nations, commanding 6% of the world's sea trade. Yet much of the shipping industry is foreign-owned. Now a new black-owned shipping line - largely owned by former Robben Island inmates - is making waves in the industry.
SA launches Open Source Centre
The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research has launched an Open Source Centre to help stimulate the adoption of open source software technologies in Africa.
Investment in SA growing: Manuel
Despite the stagnation of global markets, total investment in South Africa grew by more than 8% in the first half of 2003, while private investment expanded by 7%, with net private capital flows expected to top the US$110-billion mark for 2003 - the highest level since the mid-1990s.
Drilling for gas in W Cape
The project to drill natural gas off the West Coast was launched on Wednesday as part of plans to diversify primary energy supply sources.