Human Development Index

Big costs of gender gap in sub-Saharan Africa

African girls are better educated than a generation ago. Women are taking more leadership roles and building successful business careers. However, a new United...

Infographic: South Africa’s human development by numbers

Human development in South Africa is steadily rising, according to the United Nations Development Programme. In its 2015 Human Development Index (HDI), which ranks 188 countries, South Africa is improving in life expectancy at birth, average years of schooling and annual income per person. Presented here are some of the facts and figures from the index.

Analysis: South Africa’s Performance in UNDP Human Development Report 2015

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2015 Human Development Index Presents the 2014 Human Development Index (HDI - values and ranks) for 188 countries...

5 reasons to be optimistic about Africa

It is impossible not to have strong views when it comes to the debate on Africa's rise: despite solid economic growth and progress in poverty alleviation, people's views on the region's outlook remain stubbornly polarised. Elsie Kanza, head of Africa at the World Economic Forum, shares why she remains optimistic.

A new book supports the notion that Africa is truly open for global business

Much has been said and written about the African Renaissance, especially since the 50th anniversary of the African Union in 2013.  The conversation has...

Malian women fight poverty with textiles

For years Malian women have been earning a living from their beautiful hand-dyed bazin fabrics – and have established an international reputation for the quality of their products.
SA designer at London Fashion Week

SA’s human development index rising

South Africa's Human Development Index - a standard measure of determining whether a country is developed, developing or underdeveloped - is continuing on an upward trend that started in 2007 following a decade-long decline, according to the SA Institute of Race Relations.

South Africa steady on human development

South Africa's marginal improvement in the UN's Human Development Index supports future investment potential in terms of an active, healthy and educated workforce capable of high levels of productivity.
New campaign for a better SA