HIV project aims to reduce new infections among young women
The NDP at five: lessons learnt, emerging challenges and enhancing implementation
Women in Science awards
67 minutes at a children’s home on Mandela Day
South African HIV/Aids research pioneer Glenda Gray on 2017 Time’s 100 Most Influential list
Finding our way again: South Africa’s Aids journey
South Africans nominated for Innovation Prize for Africa
Four South African innovations have made it on to this year's list of 10 nominees for the Innovation Prize for Africa. Its aim is to encourage local solutions to challenges and inspire continued growth on the continent. The winner will be announced in a ceremony in June in Botswana.
Tsima uses video to help fight Aids
Sonke Gender Justice is running a community mobilisation intervention and research trial in Mpumalanga that uses short video stories to mobilise people to stop the spread of HIV and Aids.
Watch: Living with HIV, challenging stigma
In a series of powerful videos, South Africans of all kinds share their experiences of finding out they were HIV-positive, and how being open about their status helped them fight the stigma of the virus and find real support from true friends and family.
World Aids Day 2014: Zero stigma, zero discrimination
Using the UNAids World Aids Day theme for 2011 to 2015 – “Getting to Zero” – over the next 12 months South Africa will focus on achieving zero discrimination against people living with HIV and Aids, while not forgetting the goals of zero HIV infections and zero Aids-related deaths.