

As the skills gap widens in developing countries, many young people find themselves at a disadvantage—unable to access the opportunities that lead to sustainable...

SA must champion deeper trade and investment amongst BRICS Plus countries

Johannesburg, 14 October 2024 | The South African BRICS Business Council (SABBC) is pleased to announce our participation in the upcoming BRICS Business Council...

Celebrating 30 Years of Democracy: Reflecting on South Africa’s Journey

This year’s Freedom Day, on 27 April, marks the 30th anniversary of democracy in South Africa. On this day in 1994, many South Africans...
Image: Supplied. Thousands of Palestinians gather at Mandela Square in Ramallah, 11th January 2024.

South Africa’s Principled Stand: A Moral Beacon in Geopolitics

Written by Ebrahim Deen (Researcher, Brand South Africa)     “By bravely standing up for what is right and taking Israel to the ICJ, however, South Africa...

Brand South Africa Statement: Brand South Africa response to questions from the Sunday World.

: Brand South Africa response to questions from the Sunday World. Brand South Africa will not be drawn into responding to false, malicious, and misleading...

Brand South Africa Statement: Brand South Africa response to questions from the Sunday World

Ms Nadine Thomas Brand South Africa complied with the Labour Court judgement and reinstated Ms Thomas to her position as the Chief Financial Officer. Subsequently,...
A powerful image of diverse, multiracial hands stacked together in unity and support against GBV. Showing the collective efforts and solidarity during the 16 Days of Activism campaign against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in South Africa.

Fighting the good fight alongside the Tears Foundation during the 16 Days of Activism...

The South African government launches 16 days of activism for no violence against women and children every year in efforts to eradicate this social...

An open basket of infinite possibilities from the preservation of women’s dignity

Two things stab at my attention from the title above: first and foremost, the preservation of women’s dignity. In our beautiful country, and no...

The Power of the Youth. The Power of the World

The International Youth Foundation Country Director, Anusha Naicker, Commemorates Youth Day   Youth Month is a time to recognise, acknowledge and celebrate young people who made...
Laptop Desk

Digital Citizenship: The Importance of Online Caution and Compassion

Living in an increasingly digital world necessitates ongoing examinations on the effects of online presence and users’ responsibilities thereof. This has become even more...