The Earthshot Prize enriches African soil
By Roxanne Francis
South Africa remains a preferred destination for investors, tourists and students. What attracted green hearts and hands to our country this time...
Officially opened by Minister Ebrahim Patel of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) on Monday, March 27 the 11th annual...
SA’s Constitution 1st in the world to prohibit unfair discrimination based on sexual orientation
South Africa's Constitution is the first in the world to out-rightly prohibit unfair discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation
South Africa is progressive on...
The South African Reserve Bank and the South African Mint launch new commemorative coin...
In celebrating the 25th anniversary of South Africa’s Constitutional democracy, the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) and the South African Mint yesterday launched a...
New tech, trends, collaborations at Fak’ugesi
The Fak'ugesi Conference was one several events during the 10-day Fak'ugesi: African Digital Innovation Festival. Discussions at the conference included the experiences of and...
South African literature
An overview of the main currents in South African literature, from Olive Schreiner's depiction of life on isolated Karoo farms to more recent work...
Women in Science awards
Women were the largest untapped global reservoir of talent, the audience was reminded at the Women in Science awards, where the country’s leading female...
Georgia State students take a closer look at SA
The best way to get a better understanding of how a country works is to go and take a closer look yourself. These were...
Global accolades for isiXhosa movie Inxeba
South African isiXhosa-language movie Inxeba movingly explores the conflict of traditional rites of manhood, when initiates “go to the mountain”, with awakening pride in...
Look how far we’ve come: Two decades of freedom
Apartheid denied people the right to vote, to work, to access education, to move freely, to love whomever they wanted to, to not be imprisoned without trial ... South Africa's groundbreaking Bill of Rights changed all that. We take a look at how far we've come over two decades of freedom.