fuel levy

Infographic: Budget 2017 in numbers

A new tax bracket for the super rich, a sugar tax and an increase in the tax threshold for lower income earners: Pravin Gordhan's...

Full text: South Africa’s 2017 budget speech

South Africa's finance minister, Pravin Gordhan, presented what many believe to be a tough budget. At the same time he calls on all South...

Full text: South Africa’s 2016 Budget speech

Emphasising that South Africans are "resilient, committed and resourceful", Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan delivered his 2016 Budget speech to the National Assembly in Parliament on Wednesday 24 February. Read the full speech, watch the video, and download key documents.

Budget 2015: South Africa raises income tax

The tax rate will increase by 1 percentage point for all South Africans - except the lowest earners, Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene said in his first Budget speech on Wednesday, which aims to stabilise government debt and rebalance fiscal policy.

No surprises in Nene’s first budget, say analysts

Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene's inaugural budget, delivered in Parliament on Wednesday, was tight and conservative with the minister managing to balance the need for increased revenue without stifling spending, Citadel analysts concluded.

Nene walks a tightrope

The budget will be a balancing act. Reining in spending and raising taxes will usher in a few years of pain – not very heavy pain, but unavoidable pain – and the finance minister will need to find a way to spread it among as many groups as possible without causing anger or resentment.

How will the budget affect you?

Tax breaks for low income earners, but an increase in the fuel and road accident levies and in sin taxes. The finance minister pulled off a careful balancing act in a slow economy and an election year, tightening the reins on public spending but laying the foundation for the National Development Plan.

South Africans urged to be fuel-efficient

With hefty fuel price hikes kicking in on Wednesday, Energy Minister Dipuo Peters has urged South Africans to be economical in their fuel use - and creative in finding ways to ease the impact of the increases.

South Africa’s revenue growth continues

The South African Revenue Service had another strong year in 2011/12, collecting R742.7-billion in revenue - R4-billion more than Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan had budgeted for, and R68-billion more than the amount collected in the previous financial year.

Gordhan issues warning to tax dodgers

While South Africa's overall tax compliance has improved, certain sectors of the economy are taking advantage of loopholes to default on their payments - but will soon find their loopholes closing, says Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan.