freedom charter
Map to help travellers ‘walk in Mandela’s footsteps’
Unisa stands proud at 140 years
Unisa is the country's oldest education institution, at 140 years. It has offered education opportunities to people from all over Africa, and has alumni working around the world.
• Mandela's 'classrooms for human beings'
Have a heritage weekend
By foot or by bus, there are several tours on offer taking in the rich history of Johannesburg. For the first time, the Johannesburg Heritage Foundation is going as far east as Bezuidenhout Valley, and as far south as Kliptown, site of the famed Freedom Charter gathering.
• South Africa's heritage is world class
Freedom rediscovered
It has been a long road, but this month South Africans celebrate almost two decades of democracy and universal human rights. It is a significant milestone, and a good time to reflect on history.
• Freedom Park: celebrating peace
Freedom Month ‘to promote unity’
The road to a unified nation
Nation building will accelerate if people view themselves as South Africans first and foremost – this is one of the issues that came out of the recently concluded Social Cohesion Summit.
• Born free to dream
South Africans talk social cohesion
Let’s talk social cohesion
South Africans have embarked on an in-depth process of deciding what kind of society they want to create – and a major part of that process is the National Social Cohesion Summit which took place recently in Kliptown, Soweto.
• Hold on to freedom, says Brand SA
Instilling a love of reading
A top shopping mall, a financial services company and a university have struck up a joint venture to teach children in Soweto the joy and educational value of reading, within and outside the classroom.
• UJ Soweto university open for learning
Human rights revisited
Human Rights Day was a day for all South Africans, leaders said, pointing out that the country had worked hard to produce a progressive Constitution that enshrined the human rights of all its people.
• Remembering Sharpeville’s heroes