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Press release: South Africa retains ranking in 2017 Ibrahim Index of African Governance

Every year the Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance assesses the performance of all 54 African countries in categories such as human rights, the...

South Africa’s financial sector

South Africa's financial services sector, backed by a sound regulatory and legal framework, is sound and sophisticated, boasting dozens of domestic and foreign institutions providing a full range of services.

Full text: South Africa’s 2016 Budget speech

Emphasising that South Africans are "resilient, committed and resourceful", Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan delivered his 2016 Budget speech to the National Assembly in Parliament on Wednesday 24 February. Read the full speech, watch the video, and download key documents.

REITs to boost SA property investment

The new Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) structure, scheduled to become available to the South African property sector in early 2013, will both benefit local property structures and increase foreign investment opportunities, according to consultancy Grant Thornton.

South African consumer rights and protection

Provincial Consumer Affairs Offices countrywide offer you advice and protection. Add to this a range of statutory, industry and other consumer bodies, and you'll never have to accept faulty products or shoddy service.

South African business gives budget a thumbs-up

South Africa's medium-term budget, recently presented by Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan against the backdrop of the fiscal crisis in Europe, was well received by numerous financial analysts and the business community.
SA budget most transparent in world

Gordhan: time for talking is over

Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan delivered his mid-term budget policy speech before the National Assembly on 27 October 2010.

Gordhan: the time for talking is over

Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan delivered his mid-term budget policy speech before the National Assembly on 27 October 2010. Read the full text of the minister's speech.
Budget big on education, jobs

South Africa best for regulation of exchanges

The latest World Economic Forum Competitiveness Report ranks South Africa first out of 139 countries for its regulation of securities exchanges. South Africa moved up from 2nd place, overtaking Sweden for the top position.
South Africa's competitiveness up

SA best for regulation of exchanges

The World Economic Forum's (WEF) Global Competitiveness Report 2010-11 ranks South Africa first out of 139 countries for its regulation of securities exchanges. South Africa moved up from second place, overtaking Sweden for the top position.