Economic boomtime in Angola
Once laid flat by three decades of civil war, the economy of the Southern African country of Angola is set to grow by 20% this year alone, thanks to rich natural resources that have seen it overtake Nigeria as the continent's top oil producer.
South Africa’s new National Library
Tapping into ingenuity
Two innovative South African inventions have alleviated the problem of accessing fresh water for thousands of people across the African continent.
Movement for Good launched to inspire action
A Movement for Good, which aims at inspiring every person to act and become involved in creating the South Africa that we all want to live in, was launched today at The Apartheid Museum, Johannesburg. Spokesperson, Bryan Habana explains that “the Movement for Good starts with you. We all, in our individual capacities, can make a difference”.
“Noka e tlatswa ke dinokana – A river swells from little streams,” says Dali Mpofu, CEO of the SABC, “Each person has got the capacity to change not only their community or even their family, but society as a whole, so that the whole of South Africa can benefit from our own individual actions.”
Proud Nerds at your service
Quitting university and starting Dial-a-Nerd, a business that sorts out the computer problems of home-based users, was a shot in the dark for Collin Thornton. But it’s one that has hit the target.
Movement for Good launched to inspire action
A Movement for Good, which aims at inspiring every person to act and become involved in creating the South Africa that we all want to live in, was launched today at The Apartheid Museum, Johannesburg. Spokesperson, Bryan Habana explains that “the Movement for Good starts with you. We all, in our individual capacities, can make a difference”.
“Noka e tlatswa ke dinokana – A river swells from little streams,” says Dali Mpofu, CEO of the SABC, “Each person has got the capacity to change not only their community or even their family, but society as a whole, so that the whole of South Africa can benefit from our own individual actions.”
Green airline goes greener, one of South Africa’s successful low-cost airlines, is not only green in livery but green in purpose, as it launches Project Green, its environmental greening initiative.