When Africa sings, we listen. When she dances, we watch in awe. And, when she plays her favourite game, the fields light up with her dazzling colours - Feel the beat at Africa's feet!
BRICS and Africa in the new world order
Gallery: South Africa’s wildlife
South Africa is renowned for its magnificent wildlife. From the elephant, lion, rhinoceros, buffalo and leopard, to the elephant shrew, ant lion, rhinoceros beetle, buffalo weaver and leopard tortoise, the country's plains, seas and skies are natural treasure troves for the animal and bird lover.
• Gallery: South Africa's birdlife
Gallery: Cape Town’s busy harbours
Cape Town’s harbours are hives of activity, with ships arriving and heading out to sea around the clock. Freighters from overseas drop anchor soon after they get here, while passenger liners often cruise the coastline and visit tourist hotspots like Robben Island.
• Gallery: South Africa's birdlife
WEF Africa to punt continent’s agenda
South Africa hosts the 21st World Economic Forum on Africa in Cape Town from 4 to 6 May, where African heads of state and government will exchange views with businesspeople on how Africa can position itself as a key player in the world's emerging markets.
• SA fields strong team at Davos 2011
South African university gets global nod
The University of the Free State has been honoured with the award for Best Practice in Higher Education in 2010 for its fresh approach in promoting racial harmony and academic excellence.
• South African university choir best in the world
Gordhan: the time for talking is over
Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan delivered his mid-term budget policy speech before the National Assembly on 27 October 2010. Read the full text of the minister's speech.
• Budget big on education, jobs
Trade show to boost India-South Africa ties
The India Show, which runs from 29 August to 1 September 2010 in Johannesburg, looks set to strengthen trade ties between South Africa and India, while giving local businesses a taste of global export opportunities.
• South Africa, Russia sign uranium deal
Zuma speech in UK Parliament
Read the full text of South African President Jacob Zuma’s keynote address to British parliamentarians at the Palace of Westminster in London on 4 March 2010.
• SA to strengthen ties with Britain
Twenty years of freedom
On 2 February 1990
• Long walk immortalised in bronze