Let’s make 2020 as incredible as 2019, all you have to do is play...
2019 felt like it was South Africa's golden year, we won in so many ways
and as a nation, felt more united than ever, so...
Press release: Brand South Africa commemorates Dakar Talks
Johannesburg, Monday 10 July 2017 – As part of the Commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Dakar 1987 Talks and Celebration activities around...
South African biker in Dakar challenge
CD Anderson
South African motorbike racer Joey Evans is currently competing in the gruelling Dakar Rally across South America. While being in the race, running...
The Impact, Profile, and Reputation of South Africa on the African Continent
EY Africa Attractiveness Survey 2015
SA is the top destination for FDI projects – the country attracted 121 projects in 2014/15
SA was...
Africa’s Great Green Wall to stop the spreading Sahara
The Great Green Wall of Africa is an AU vision to create an enormous belt of trees running for 7 000 kilometres along the southern border of the Sahara, from the west coast all the way to the east. A plan to stop desertification, it's been described as a "daring endeavour in human history, a real world wonder".
Portal to boost African music
Music In Africa plans to get the world's ears tuned to the music of the continent. It's an online portal that serves the African music industry – whether that be producers in Harare, musicians in New York or singers in the Dakar. Africa offers much diversity and talent, and that needs to be offered to the world.
No confirmed Ebola cases in South Africa
The outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) has so far been restricted to West Africa, with
isolated cases in Spain and the United States. However, no confirmed cases have been reported
in South African and its neighbouring countries, says the South African Department of Health.
No confirmed Ebola cases in South Africa
The outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) has so far been restricted to West Africa, with
isolated cases in Spain and the United States. However, no confirmed cases have been reported
in South African and its neighbouring countries, says the South African Department of Health.
Africa’s growth potential – and its ‘Next 10’ biggest cities
Global investors are increasingly taking note of the untapped potential of sub-Saharan Africa, and most major international corporations are already active in its three largest cities. According to a new report, they should also be getting excited about the region's "Next 10" biggest cities.
Films explore urban African tapestry
Six short films, making up the African Metropolis series, place the dynamic, growing cities of Africa on the big screen. "These films represent Africa in conversation with itself," explains one of the featured directors. The series has been screened at several international festivals.