
South Africans nominated for Innovation Prize for Africa

Four South African innovations have made it on to this year's list of 10 nominees for the Innovation Prize for Africa. Its aim is to encourage local solutions to challenges and inspire continued growth on the continent. The winner will be announced in a ceremony in June in Botswana.

Refugee children are given a ray of hope

three2six---thumbTwo schools in Observatory, Johannesburg are helping the children of refugees to integrate into their new lives in South Africa. Three2Six offers bridging lessons, literacy and numeracy classes, sport and care, as well as everyday items most children take for granted.

KZN pupils switch on the e-school

e-schools---thumbMany South African schoolchildren have little access to learning materials. With this mind, Vodacom has launched its e-school, a learning platform offering internet access to educational content for grades 10 to 12, based on the South African Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements.

South African matric pass rate 2014: 75.8%

South Africa's matric class of 2014 achieved a pass rate of 75.8% - a drop of 2.4 percentage points from the year before, Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga announced on Monday, saying the decrease was not unexpected as the bar has been raised to enhance the quality and standard of Grade 12 graduates.

Umalusi: matric exams were fair, credible

This year's matric exams have been approved by the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training, even though there was evidence of cheating and group copying in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape. Maths and science marks were also lower than in previous years.

Springboks to face in-form World XV: Mallett

The Springboks will face an in-form team when they take on a World XV in Cape Town on 7 June, coach Nick Mallett warned on Tuesday. The 23-man World XV squad, comprising test stars from eight countries, boasts a total of 707 caps between them.

From Africa to America – by rowing boat

South African adventurer Riaan Manser has accomplished some spectacular feats in his life. On Wednesday - the day of South Africa's fifth democratic elections - he added another amazing accomplishment as he and girlfriend Vesti Geldenhuys became the first people to row from Africa to North America.

From Africa to America – by rowing boat

South African adventurer Riaan Manser has accomplished some spectacular feats in his life. On Wednesday - the day of South Africa's fifth democratic elections - he added another amazing accomplishment as he and girlfriend Vesti Geldenhuys became the first people to row from Africa to North America.

Bridgestone keeps PinkDrive on the road with R1m donation

Bridgestone has given breast cancer charity PinkDrive its biggest ever once-off donation of R1-million, with the money being raised from motorists who purchased sets of pink valve caps at the tyre manufacturers outlets.

SA golfers out to defend Zone VI title

The South African national amateur golf team begins its defence of the Africa Zone VI Golf title on Tuesday at the Devonvale Golf and Wine Estate in the Western Cape on Tuesday, facing 11 other African nations in the continent's premier team competition.