C40 Cities Mayors Summit

Bloomberg launches African media initiative

Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, in Johannesburg on Monday for the C40 Cities Mayors Summit, announced a $10-million initiative to support pan-African business and financial journalism, focusing initially on Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa.

Joburg acts to beat climate change

The fifth C40 Cities Mayors Summit will take place in Johannesburg this month. It's a good time to look at the measures the city is taking to combat the effects of changing weather patterns. It is among the biggest emitters of greenhouse gases in South Africa, but it is working to rebalance this legacy.

Joburg to host 2014 C40 Mayors Summit

The city of Johannesburg has been chosen to host the fifth biennial C40 Cities Mayors Summit in 2014. The summit will bring mayors from the largest cities together with climate change leaders from around the world to advance urban solutions to combat climate change.