17 JUNE 2020
It is now just over 100 days since the first case of coronavirus was identified in South Africa.
For 100 days we have...
South African literature
An overview of the main currents in South African literature, from Olive Schreiner's depiction of life on isolated Karoo farms to more recent work...
South Africa’s judiciary
South Africa has an independent judiciary, subject only to the Constitution and the
law. Find out more about how the wheels of justice turn in South Africa.
Lord Joel Joffe: 1932-2017
This Mandela Month, we profile the late Lord Joel Joffe, who defended Nelson Mandela and his co-accused at the Rivonia Trial. Joffe died on...
South African English is lekker!
South Africans speak English, that doesn't mean you'll always understand us. Our
robots are nothing like R2D2, just now doesn't mean
immediately, and babbelas is not a shampoo. Tune in with our quick
dictionary of SA idiom. It's lekker, bru!
South Africa’s Comrades Marathon
The latest edition of the world's greatest ultra-marathon takes place on Sunday.
Catch up on the history - along with some fascinating facts and anecdotes - of a
race that's internationally recognised for the body-sapping challenge it poses and the
camaraderie it fosters among its thousands of participants.
South Africa’s plant life
South Africa's large areas of semi-desert scrub and grassland might suggest a
certain poverty of plant life. Aside from the fact that a tract of pristine grassland
can hold up to 60 grass species, nothing could be further from the truth.
Remembering South African writer Peter Abrahams: 1919 – 2017
South African writer Peter Abrahams died on 18 January 2017. An early pioneer in the exploration of race identity in South Africa, he was...
South African English is lekker!
South Africans speak English, but that doesn't mean you'll always understand us. Our "robots" are nothing like R2D2, "just now" doesn't mean immediately, and...
Cooking in Cariema Isaacs’ Cape Malay kitchen
Cape Malay cooking has left its unique mark on South Africa’s collective heritage. It is known and loved across the country. Cariema Isaacs, author...