The Limpopo province has many competitive advantages
Southern Africa is running dry
Pan-African passport launched at AU Summit
Naomi Ruele: Botswana’s Olympic medal swimming hopeful
A journey around Africa with ten great songs
South Africans nominated for Innovation Prize for Africa
Four South African innovations have made it on to this year's list of 10 nominees for the Innovation Prize for Africa. Its aim is to encourage local solutions to challenges and inspire continued growth on the continent. The winner will be announced in a ceremony in June in Botswana.
South Africa: open for business
Tech boost for South African libraries
A tribute to South Africa’s neighbours
A photographic exhibition, On the Frontline, at the Nelson Mandela Foundation's Centre of Memory reflects on the contribution – and the price they paid – from countries in Africa to helping the liberation struggle overcome apartheid.
How the family of African states helped end apartheid
The victory over apartheid was a collective effort. Help from other African countries was decisive in the struggle. From bases in Angola to military help in Zambia, they all played a role.