bill of rights

Our Constitution has got your back

South Africa’s Constitution protects the rights of all of us, so well, that it has real benefits in our everyday lives. That was the...

South Africa’s judiciary

South Africa has an independent judiciary, subject only to the Constitution and the law. Find out more about how the wheels of justice turn in South Africa.

The Constitution of South Africa

South Africa's Constitution, built on an acute awareness of the injustices of the country's past, is widely regarded as the most progressive in the world, with a Bill of Rights second to none.

We, the People Walk 2017

On Sunday 26 March Brand South Africa, Constitution Hill and other stakeholders including the Gauteng Legislature and the City of Joburg took part in...

Look how far we’ve come: Two decades of freedom

Apartheid denied people the right to vote, to work, to access education, to move freely, to love whomever they wanted to, to not be imprisoned without trial ... South Africa's groundbreaking Bill of Rights changed all that. We take a look at how far we've come over two decades of freedom.

Nongcebo McKenzie celebrates her right to speak her mother-tongue

Nongcebo McKenzie, Ukhozi FM presenter is inspired by the South African Constitution and the fact that our right to speak the language of our...

21 human rights all South Africans enjoy today

Apartheid laws were designed to segregate South Africa’s population in terms of race. The majority suffered discrimination in terms of education, economic rights, social standing, and eventually even citizenship. Today, the Bill of Rights enshrines many rights denied in the past.

Full text: South Africa’s 2017 budget speech

South Africa's finance minister, Pravin Gordhan, presented what many believe to be a tough budget. At the same time he calls on all South...

Sibu Mpanza talks vlogging and the Bill of Rights

Sibu Mpanza started his vlogging journey in 2014. Since then he has won many awards and has got several opportunities along the way, such...

‘Our experiences are not because we’re an interracial couple – we’re just a couple.’

Cassarica Nadas and Gareth Mays see themselves as an ordinary couple – even if other people refer to them as being in an interracial...