basic education

21 human rights all South Africans enjoy today

Apartheid laws were designed to segregate South Africa’s population in terms of race. The majority suffered discrimination in terms of education, economic rights, social standing, and eventually even citizenship. Today, the Bill of Rights enshrines many rights denied in the past.

Full text: South Africa’s 2017 budget speech

South Africa's finance minister, Pravin Gordhan, presented what many believe to be a tough budget. At the same time he calls on all South...

Remembering South African writer Peter Abrahams: 1919 – 2017

South African writer Peter Abrahams died on 18 January 2017. An early pioneer in the exploration of race identity in South Africa, he was...

Breakfast boost for school children

Children are delighted to be able to receive breakfast at school. (Image:Breakfast for Better Days) Many disadvantaged school children will reap the benefits of a...

New planetarium opens in South Africa

A new planetarium has been opened at the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre in Joburg, part of an agreement between the Department of Basic Education and China. At the opening, the minister also gave an update on the progress of teaching Mandarin in South African schools.

Full text: South Africa’s 2016 Budget speech

Emphasising that South Africans are "resilient, committed and resourceful", Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan delivered his 2016 Budget speech to the National Assembly in Parliament on Wednesday 24 February. Read the full speech, watch the video, and download key documents.

Technology helps to motivate pupils, say top teachers

Teachers across South Africa are turning away from the traditional blackboard and are plugging into technology in their attempts to become better educators. Along the way, they have found that learning is more fun, and that children are keener to get to grips with their education.

Teachers are ‘our nation’s pride’

"Through my work, I am able to change the lives of those who otherwise might have been overlooked in the system," says Thembisile Mdlalose, a teacher from Thembimfundo Special School in KwaZulu-Natal - and a winner at this year's National Teaching Awards.

A guarantee of freedom: South Africa’s Bill of Rights

South Africa's ground-breaking Bill of Rights is widely regarded as one of the most progressive in the world. All South Africans should know their rights, and respect the rights of fellow citizens. Read the full text of the Bill of Rights.

No surprises in Nene’s first budget, say analysts

Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene's inaugural budget, delivered in Parliament on Wednesday, was tight and conservative with the minister managing to balance the need for increased revenue without stifling spending, Citadel analysts concluded.