Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Soweto, heartbeat of the nation
Infused with the history of the struggle against apartheid and alive with the energy of the city of gold, Soweto is a must-see for tourists in search of more than sun, sea and the big five.
Nelson Mandela books: a selection
The world's authors - from biographers and journalists to friends and comrades -
have found compelling stories to tell about a life lived with courage and conviction.
Here's a selection of some of the best books about Nelson Rohlihlahla Mandela.
Georgia State students take a closer look at SA
The best way to get a better understanding of how a country works is to go and take a closer look yourself. These were...
22 monuments for 22 years of freedom
There are a significant number of monuments to peace and freedom scattered across South Africa – not surprising given its long history of struggle against oppression. With April marking the 22nd anniversary of South Africa’s freedom, we will showcase 22 monuments that pay homage to those who made this country great.
Listen: the Nelson Mandela audio series
Joe Richman, founder of the non-profit organisation Radio Diaries, worked meticulously to compile audio snippets of Nelson Mandela from more than 50 interviews with...
South Africa’s tribute to Andrew Young
The Nelson Mandela Foundation in Joburg held a tribute event for American activist and politician Andrew J Young. He recalled his interactions with South African struggle stalwarts during apartheid, while attendees commended his contribution to global justice.
French honour for Ahmed Kathrada
Ahmed Kathrada formed a strong bond with Nelson Mandela during apartheid as they fought for a free and democratic South Africa. Now, the French embassy in South Africa has honoured Kathrada for his work and ideals with the highest award in the European nation.
Remembering Mandela, one year on
It has been a year since Nelson Mandela passed on. His departure, mourned by the world, still impacts us today, prompting us to live by his example with compassion, reconciliation and Ubuntu.
Cape bones add new chapter to human history
Out of Africa always something new, or in this case something very old. An ancient skeleton unearthed on the Cape's West Coast has provided a new DNA variant. Researchers have found he belonged to the earliest group of humans to diverge from "Mitochondrial Eve", our common ancestor.
South Africa has plenty to offer international visitors
South Africa has an array of attractive tourist destinations and the increasing number of
international visitors indicates there is plenty to discover, from hidden tourist treasures in Soweto
to the pristine beaches of Hermanus.