27 april

Celebrating 30 Years of Democracy: Reflecting on South Africa’s Journey

This year’s Freedom Day, on 27 April, marks the 30th anniversary of democracy in South Africa. On this day in 1994, many South Africans...

Call for Nominations for Members to Serve on the Board of Trustees of...

The President of South Africa, His Excellency Cyril Ramaphosa, hereby invites nominations for candidates to serve as trustees on the Brand South Africa Trust.  Brand...

Fly, the beloved flag

It's a potent symbol of unity and progress. It's the only six-coloured national flag in the world. It's also one of the youngest, yet whatever shape it takes - and it's taken more than any other national symbol - it's instantly recognisable to South Africans everywhere.

Brand South Africa, Freedom Park honour struggle heroes

On 27 April 2017 Brand South Africa partnered with Freedom Park to celebrate 23 years of freedom in South Africa. Freedom Park is a cultural...

Look how far we’ve come: Two decades of freedom

Apartheid denied people the right to vote, to work, to access education, to move freely, to love whomever they wanted to, to not be imprisoned without trial ... South Africa's groundbreaking Bill of Rights changed all that. We take a look at how far we've come over two decades of freedom.

Remembering Nelson Mandela’s first steps of freedom

On Sunday 11 February 1990 - 25 years ago - millions of people around the world watched as Nelson Mandela walked out of the gates of Victor Verster prison in Paarl.

Campaigns promote read a book, tweet your review

Several campaigns have got many South Africans to get in the habit of reading books and posting their reviews on Twitter. Melissa Javan Coffee shops, bus...

South Africa’s national symbols

A country’s symbols – seal, motto, flag, anthem, coat of arms and natural symbols – tell its story and play a crucial role in...

Celebrating Freedom Month 2016

April in South Africa is Freedom Month, to mark 27 April 1994, the day all citizens won the right to vote in democratic elections and choose their own leaders for the very first time. In 2016 we celebrate 22 years of this freedom.

Watch: Milestones in Mandela’s long walk

As we commemorate a year since the death of South African statesman Nelson Mandela on 5 December 2013, we look back at significant moments in his life and struggle, told partly in his own words.