Social Development

D’Sa lauded for fight for environmental justice

Nearly three-quarters of South Africa's industry is housed in South Durban. The pollution – and a toxic waste dump – has had a devastating effect on local residents. But the community is fighting back, led by activist Desmond D'Sa and the South Durban Community Environmental Alliance.

Assessors can decide verdict on facts at Pistorius trial

Instead of relying on a jury of peers, the South African justice system makes provision for assessors. They are highly skilled, legally trained people selected by the judge, if he or she feels the need. In the Oscar Pistorius trial, there are two assessors, who may overrule the judge on a verdict when it comes to the facts of the case.

Redefining corporate social investment in South Africa

South Africa’s national holidays, such as Heritage Day, can contribute to a common identity and active citizenship, writes Wendy Tlou of Brand South Africa.

Sangari helps teachers think out the box

The portable iBox is changing teaching at many South African schools. It combines ICT with high-tech presentation facilities, giving teachers a valuable resource. The remote clickers help them assess levels of understanding among pupils. The proof, believe some, can be seen in the pudding.

New social housing for East London

Social housing projects are an integral part of the government's quest to enhance racial integration in South Africa, Eastern Cape Economic Development MEC Mcebisi Jonas said at the launch of the multi-million rand Southernwood social housing project in East London.

The battle against Big Pharma for cheap drugs

Drug makers are fighting attempts to change the patent laws in South Africa that would allow cheaper generics on to the market – life-saving medication to treat life-threatening diseases. There is precedent for the country, however, in a ruling by the Indian Supreme Court over the patent for cancer drug Gleevec.

Thundafund makes crowd-funding rain in South Africa

Crowd-funding, an anarchical response to old capitalist, risk-averse big business, has taken off on rich countries like the US and UK. Now a Cape Town-based project called Thundafund has adapted the online crowd-funding model to successfully launch small South African start-ups.

Promising future for South African football

Danny Jordaan has said South Africa does not have a large pool of young football players. But a number of initiatives are being put in place to develop athletes to compete in the 2022 Qatar World Cup. There are plenty of mountains to climb on the way there, but there is a passion to succeed.

Social enterprises set up to change lives

Two initiatives – one in Cape Town and one in Durban – are helping artisans and tradesmen to increase their business base. Trade-Mark and The Grassroute act like agencies and incubators, linking artisans and clients as well as offering them assistance in marketing and quoting.

Activism against violence gets a year-long extension

Crime Line has teamed up with the Department of Women to extend the annual 16 Days of Activism for a year. The partners will hold national and provincial dialogues in urban and rural areas to empower people. Activism needs to continue until women and children are no longer threatened, they say.