South Africa moves up the Mo Ibrahim Index


    Africa map

    South Africa’s overall ranking has risen from 5 to 4

    Johannesburg, Wednesday 1 October 2014 – Brand South Africa today welcomed the results of the 2014 Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance which saw South Africa’s overall position move from 5 to 4.

    In addition, South Africa has improved in eight of the sub-indicators in the report including:

    • Accountability
    • Participation
    • Gender
    • Business environment
    • Infrastructure
    • Rural sector
    • Welfare, and
    • Health

    The Mo Ibrahim Index of African Governance is the third index in the last few months that has observed improvements in South Africa’s infrastructure. The indices on which South Africa’s ranking in infrastructure has improved include the recently released World Economic Forum’s Global Competitive Index and the Institute of Management Development.

    Reflecting on the 2014 Mo Ibrahim Index, Brand South Africa’s CEO Miller Matola said: “South Africa’s improvements in 8 sub-indicators is very encouraging. Our ranking on infrastructure development also bodes well for our economic growth and development since good infrastructure is attractive to investors and makes it easier to conduct business more efficiently and effectively.”

    “Despite improvements in the areas highlighted above, we note with concern a decrease in our ranking on Safety & Rule – from position 7 to 8 and Participation and Human Rights from position 3 to 4 this year. These issues impact equally on our competitiveness and ability to attract inward flows of investment.”

    Brand South Africa will host the second annual South African Competitiveness Forum in Sandton, Johannesburg on 4-5 November 2014 where South Africa’s competitiveness and how it can be strengthened will be discussed by a range of stakeholders.

    The conversation can be followed at @Brand_SA #CompetitiveSA.

    Mo Ibrahim Index

    For more information or to set up interviews, please contact:
    Boitumelo Mpete
    Tel: +27 11 712 5007
    Mobile: +27 (0) 82 358 9047