South Africa inspires new ways at WEF Davos


    Johannesburg, Wednesday 22 January 2014 – As the world watches events at one of the year’s premier gatherings of government, business and civil society leaders – the World Economic Forum in Davos – the South African flag will fly high from 22-25 January 2014.

    WEF Davos opens on Wednesday 22 January 2014 under the theme: The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business.

    South Africa’s programme will begin with a thought leadership breakfast co-hosted by CNBC Africa which will reflect on: “South Africa beyond 20 years and the implementation of the National Development Plan.”  Minister of Finance Pravin Gordhan will deliver the opening address at the breakfast and the panel that will guide the discussions will include:

    • Colin Coleman: Goldman Sachs
    • Monhla Hlahla: Industrial Development Corporation
    • Nku Nyembezi-Heita: Chairperson designate of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange
    •  Jabu Mabuza: Business Unity South Africa.

    Team South Africa will also host a Night with South Africa networking session later on Wednesday 22 January 2014.  It is expected that key government and business leaders from around the world will interact with team South Africa during which the South African value proposition will be brought to thought leaders and opinion makers.

    Brand South Africa Deputy Chairperson Happy Ntshingila speaking from Davos says, “Governments and business around the world grapple with achieving inclusive growth; meeting society’s new expectations; sustaining and providing decent lives for 9 billion.  While South Africa has a long way to go, independent research shows that in the 20 years of South Africa’s democracy, more than ten million South Africans have moved into the middle class and now enjoy a better quality of life. In the same period the country’s GDP expanded to more than US$400 billion per year from just about US$150 billion.  By sharing lessons with others at Davos we can find even better ways of doing things so that we can continue to deliver on the hopes of the vast majority of our people.”

    Join Brand South Africa’s Deputy Chairperson Happy Ntshingila from Davos when he talks to Destiny Connect business writer Buhle Ndaweni at 13h00-14h00 on how South Africa continues to inspire new ways of doing things.  Follow the conversation@HappyNtshingila

    You can follow the South African delegation’s conversation from WEF Davos on @Brand_SA#WEF14SA.

    Note to editors

     About the World Economic Forum, Davos 2014

     About Brand South Africa

    Brand South Africa is the official marketing agency of South Africa, with a mandate to build the country’s brand reputation, in order to improve its global competitiveness abroad. Its aim is also to build pride and patriotism among South Africans, in order to contribute to social cohesion and nation brand ambassadorship.

     Further resources from Brand South Africa

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    Mobile: 071 155 9192

