Play Your Part by delivering and receiving quality education


    Johannesburg, Tuesday 14 January 2014 – With the 2014 school year beginning tomorrow Wednesday 15 January 2014, Brand South Africa urges all teachers to deliver quality education for the growth and development of our country.  Brand South Africa also calls on learners to be committed to their future by focusing on their studies.

    Brand South Africa CEO Miller Matola said, “According to the 2013 Results for Learning Report, there has been an increase in the number of children attending and completing primary school as well as having access to lower-secondary school.  We have also recently welcomed an improved matric pass rate.  This is good news since education is the foundation of a country’s development.  

    We therefore urge learners and teachers to be committed to being in the classroom, teaching and learning.”

    “Brand South Africa urges the youth, particularly the matriculants of 2014 to remain dedicated throughout the year and reach high to achieve the results they are capable of. Play your Part, Do Best,” concluded Mr Matola.

    Note to editors

    About Brand South Africa

    Brand South Africa is the official marketing agency of South Africa, with a mandate to build the country’s brand reputation, in order to improve its global competitiveness abroad. Its aim is also to build pride and patriotism among South Africans, in order to contribute to social cohesion and nation brand ambassadorship.

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    Arahna Singh
    Brand South Africa Communications
    Tel: +27 11 712 5061 Mobile: +27 (0) 82 491 2332

    Fikile  Makhoba
    Mobile: 071 155 9192
