For one week each year, the savannah of the Karoo is turned into Tankwa Town, a vibrant yet temporary hub of creativity when thousands of South Africans gather for AfrikaBurn. Unbound creativity and cleaning up before you leave are the only rules of the festival.

Based on The Burning Man festival held in Nevada in the US, AfrikaBurn grew out of a loose grouping of individuals and organisations who questioned, and continue to question mainstream, highly commercialised, society and what it does to the notion and workings of community. In a nutshell, it’s about radical self-expression and it acts as a collaborative catalyst for change.
The 2018 AfrikaBurn, taking place between 23 and 29 April, invites participants to embrace the “Working Title” theme. If that doesn’t inspire creativity, organisers say you can simply choose your own theme.
To inspire you, take a look at some of the highlights from the 2017 AfrikaBurn.