Brand South Africa is a proud partner of the ‘I Am an Entrepreneur’ workshop series. The decision to partner with MyStartUp and IgniteSA, through their founders Andile Khumalo and Lynette Ntuli, was a fairly easy one to arrive at.

Play Your Part (PYP) objectives go hand-in-hand with the ‘I Am an Entrepreneur’ workshops. PYP supports the creation of the platforms that are brought about by ‘I Am an Entrepreneur’ . The creation of empowering environments like this one is important because it harnesses information for everyone’s benefit.
On 15 April 2017, Brand South Africa joined ‘I Am an Entrepreneur’ in Polokwane to foster interactions between emerging entrepreneurs and established business people in efforts to bridge the gap between reality and aspiration, information and knowledge, and practical skills in building sustainable enterprises. By sharing some highlights of his entrepreneurial journeys and key lessons of his business successes and challenges, Tirhani Mabunda of Tirhani Group Holdings played his part and got involved in imparting and acquiring entrepreneurial values and skills.
“To hell with circumstances, I created opportunities,” said Tirhani, sharing one of his favourite sayings.
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