Unicef to host fundraising gala in South Africa


Unicef is hosting a fundraising gala in South Africa for the first time, in May. The proceedings will benefit socioeconomically disadvantaged children.

Jo-Ann Strauss
Unicef national ambassador for South Africa Jo-Ann Strauss will moderate the organisation’s gala event on 6 May 2017 in Johannesburg, its inaugural fundraiser in South Africa. (Image: Jo-Ann Strauss, Facebook)

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The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (Unicef) will hold its inaugural fundraising gala in South Africa on 6 May 2017 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, in Rosebank, Johannesburg.

At the gala, the international organisation will highlight its global campaign, Ending Violence against Children. The gala, Unicef said, was seen as an opportunity to “profile our mandate and values that guide our daily work, for every child, in South Africa”.

In attendance

It would be “a VIP event that will help catalyse further investments for children in need”, the organisation said. Actress Priyanka Chopra, a goodwill ambassador, will attend.

South African Unicef national ambassadors, former Miss South Africa Jo-Ann Strauss and clothing designer Gavin Rajah, will play prominent roles. Strauss will moderate the event, and Rajah will feature a fashion show.

Funds raised from the live auction will go towards Unicef South Africa child protection programmes.

Progress made

Herve Ludovic de Lys, Unicef representative in South Africa, said the Convention on the Rights of the Child was the first international treaty signed by a democratic government of South Africa. “Over 20 years later we have collectively learned how to create effective circles of care and protection for children.

“The urgent matter today is twofold: to put this knowledge into use by enhancing effective child protection approaches; and to support the millions of children trapped in poverty by improving the quality of public expenditures.”


Source: Unicef South Africa

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