The Limpopo province has many competitive advantages



Polokwane, Friday 2 September 2016 – Brand South Africa will conclude its three day programme aimed at showcasing the competitive strengths of the province of Limpopo later today.

The media tour programme commenced on 30 August, and ends today 2 September 2016. It was designed to profile provincial programmes that highlight the attractive science, technology, innovation and investment opportunities. Partners included the National Research Foundation, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Limpopo Provincial Department of Health, the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) as well as the Department of Home Affairs.

Day one of the tour showcased an IDC funded SME – KT Beverages, which produces Kombucha tea, in Limpopo. KT Beverages received R4.8 million from the IDC three years ago and currently produces 25 000 litres on a day, which are supplied to not only local clients, but also clients based Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia,” said KT Beverages CEO and Founder Mr Paul de Villiers.

The Department of Home Affairs in collaboration with the Limpopo Provincial Health Department showcased the early registration of birth at Seshego Hospital. In addition, the benefits of having inter-institutional partnerships to ensure that all new born children are registered was highlighted.

Media were later hosted at the recently re-launched Seshego Industrial Park, by the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti) together with the Limpopo Economic Development Agency (LEDA). The Dti is investing approximately R21 million in the upgrading of the infrastructure at the Seshego Industrial Park based in Polokwane.

The Regional Industrial Development Chief Director from the Dti, Ms Stieneke Samuels said: “The objective of the programme is to revitalise state-owned industrial parks across the country in order to promote industrialisation and increase their contribution to job creation and the country’s economic growth.”

Finally, media visited the University of Limpopo on day 3 where the SARChI Chair for Computational Modelling of Materials and research was showcased. Media also interacted with the SARChI Chair for Ecosystem Health and its research.

The programme concluded with media attending the annual National Research Awards where were hosted in Limpopo for 2016.

The media tour comes within the context of Brand South Africa’s mandate to positively position South Africa’s competitiveness. Provincial and city brands are the building blocks of the Nation Brand. Competitive strengths of provinces and cities therefore impact positively on the South African Nation Brand.

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