Take the 22DaysSA Challenge



Play Your Part challenges all South Africans to take up the #22DaysSA challenge and join forces with Brent Lindeque. Help to feed people in need. (Image: 22 Days SA, via Facebook)

What began as an initiative to help military veterans in the USA, the 22 Pushup challenge, has taken on a different form in South African, all in the hope of putting food on the tables of the less fortunate.

The 22 Days SA challenge – #22DaysSA – encourages people to play their part in the fight against poverty. Spreading across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, more and more people are stepping up to the plate to feed those in need.

Following the huge success of his South African version of the #NekNomination in 2014, Brent Lindeque put his own random-act-of-kindness spin on the initiative to come up with the 22 Days SA Challenge. It is an attempt to get South Africans excited about helping out their fellow citizens. Lindeque is a radio show host and founder of goodthingsguy.com.


Play Your Part nominates all South Africans to join in the #22DaysSA challenge and help to make a difference in the lives of fellow South Africans who don’t know where their next meal will come from. (Image: 22 Days SA, via Facebook)

“It apparently originated from America and the whole concept is to do a bunch of pushups for 22 days for the veterans who suffer from PTSD,” Lindeque explained.

“I believe in it and it’s an amazing cause… But in South Africa, the number 22 means something a little bit different. More than 22% of our population don’t eat everyday… that’s our reality.”

Lindeque decided that he would take the 22-day challenge and use it to feed 22 people. He would get others involved by nominating them to do the same, hoping this would grow and get as many of us giving to those in need as possible through the #22DaysSA hashtag.

“I am pledging every day to feed someone less fortunate for 22 days and, every time I do, I will nominate someone to do the same.

“Feed one person every day for 22 days. Nominate someone to do the same,” he said on Twitter. “Change one thing. Change everything.”

Watch Brent Lindeque talk about #22DaysSA:


Play Your Part nominates all South Africans to join in the #22DaysSA challenge and help to make a difference in the lives of fellow South Africans who don’t know where their next meal will come from.

“I call it micro-activism,” Lindeque explained. “If each one of us just does something every day to help a fellow South African, we’ll be able to do the most amazing things on a macro level. Together, changing one thing, to change everything.”


Day 5 of #22daysSA & today my lil’favourite breakfast spot, lil’kitchen in Dainfern gave me a healthy lunch box to give to someone less fortunate. They’ve been following the journey online & have stepped up to help out! How flipping awesome. Also… they will be taking on the initiative & have made a pledge to donate all their leftovers to shelters for ever! Malnutrition is a major underlying cause of death in 64% of South Africa’s children under the age of five. Imagine if a million people jump on board to help each other by doing one small thing everyday… together, we would feed 22 million people in just over 3 weeks!!!! So today I’m feeding one person & nominating Christel Kruger to take on the challenge. #22daysSA Feed one person everyday for 22 days. Nominate someone to do the same. Change one thing. Change everything.

A photo posted by Brent Lindeque (@brentlindeque) on


Play Your Part challenges all South Africans to take up the #22DaysSA challenge and join forces with Lindeque and the rest of the country in feeding those who struggle to feed themselves.

Everyone can make a positive difference in their own way. How are you working to support the development of those less fortunate?

Are you playing your part to help improve the lives of those around you through your everyday actions? Do you know of anyone who has gone out of their way to help improve South Africa and its people?

If so, submit your story or video to our website and let us know what you are doing to improve the country for all.