Brand South Africa calls on citizens to know and live your Constitution



Johannesburg, 4 October 2016 – Brand South Africa will this week launch the ‘Play Your Part and Know Your Constitution, Play Your Part and Live Your Constitution’ campaign.

This is in line with Brand South Africa’s mandate to contribute to national efforts to inspire pride, patriotism and active citizenship amongst the citizens of our country. This is the ethos that will drive citizens to play their part to strengthen the Nation Brand and its value proposition domestically and internationally.

The Play Your Part and Know Your Constitution, Play Your Part and Live Your Constitution campaign is premised on the notion that knowledge and awareness is a powerful tool that can be used to safeguard embrace South Africa’s democracy.

Brand South Africa’s General Manager for Marketing Ms Sithembile Ntombela says, “The Nation Brand’s democratic dispensation rests on the fundamental principles of freedom, social justice, equality and human dignity – and this generation owes it to those who will come after us to entrench these values into the social fabric of our country.”

The three-month campaign which commenced on 1 October 2016 aims to empower people with knowledge and information on their rights as enshrined in the Bill of Rights. This awareness will be integral to the promotion and advancement of South Africa’s constitutional values.

“To understand the spirit of our Constitution, one has to reflect on South Africa’s democratic journey and discover those common values that shaped it. Yet the application of the values of the Constitution requires interrogation as our social fabric evolves. Our campaign aims to highlight some of these contemporary issues while continuing to empower citizens about their rights as embodied in the highest law of our land,” concluded Ntombela.

Listen out for the ad on Metro, 5FM, Tru Fm, YFM, TUT, VOW, UJ FM this week and let us know your thoughts on #InspiredByMyConstitution #SANationBrand