Play Your Part / Sowetan Dialogues set for Nelspruit


BSA-dialogue-nelspruit-600Coming ahead of the South Africa’s Freedom Day celebrations – made all the more special given that we’re also celebrating 20 years of democracy – panelists and participants will focus on leadership

Brand South Africa is continuing with its Play Your Part / Sowetan Dialogue, with the latest in the series set to take place in Nelspruit, Mpumalanga, on 25 April.

Coming ahead of the South Africa’s Freedom Day celebrations – made all the more special given that we’re also celebrating 20 years of democracy – panelists and participants will focus on leadership, with the dialogue themed “Rethinking leadership: how does one rise above their circumstances?”

As South Africa prepares to commemorate 20 years of democracy and freedom, all sectors of the nation must focus on the implementation of the National Development Plan as our blueprint for social and economic growth.  The implementation of this plan for our country’s growth calls for, amongst others, an active and engaged citizenry as well as a capable state.

“Strong leaders and the development of others who are able to assume positions of leadership will be critical to the success of the NDP as well as the sustainability of our country’s democracy,” says Brand South Africa’s Sandisiwe Gugushe. ” Most significant however, is that leaders are not built by government’s rather by families and communities.

“How can we therefore play our part to ensure that we nurture the development of leaders in, amongst others, our homes, communities, workplaces?”

These are some of the pertinent issues that the panel, which will consist of four leaders in their various spheres, will deliberate upon.

The discussion will be facilitated by Tate Skhosana from Ikwekwezi FM. Panelists include Bonolo Ramokhele, an executive director of the LeoFortis Group and a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers community of leaders; Roy Makwaka, a manager in the office of the executive mayor of the Ehlanzani District; Ntokozo Majola, the provincial manager for the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda); and Sandile Mabuza, an active member of the Mbombela Branch of the Black Management Forum and as the Executive Secretary to the Interim Council of the newly established University of Mpumalanga.