Brand South Africa working with Department of Home Affairs to position South Africa as open to visitors


Johannesburg, Thursday 27 August 2015 – Brand South Africa earlier this month conducted training at the Lebombo port of entry with officials from the Department of Home Affairs.

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Brand South Africa has been working closely with the Department of Home Affairs since the beginning of the year, training officials on issues related to reputation management and why this impacts on the strength of the South African nation brand and the country’s competitiveness. Immigration officials are the first point of contact for visitors to South Africa and they play a crucial role in shaping perceptions about the country.

The training included insights from the National Perceptions Audit, conducted by Brand South Africa. The study aims to measure perceptions of South Africans in relation to the nation brand and results in an assessment of pride and patriotism, active citizenship and social cohesion in the country.

The officials were also informed about Brand South Africa’s Play Your Part programme that calls on all South Africans to become active citizens. Play Your Part is a nationwide campaign, driven by Brand South Africa, created to inspire, empower and celebrate active citizenship in South Africa. Home Affairs officials are encouraged to play their part by providing professional and efficient services to visitors to the country.