South Africa’s National Treasury


South Africa’s National Treasury seeks to advance economic growth and job creation through appropriate macro-economic, fiscal and financial policies.

south africa national treasury
The Treasury supports the government’s macro-economic policy by determining macro limits on expenditure by departments, in line with affordability and sustainability of services. The departments include agriculture and small business development. (Image: Brand South Africa)

Brand South Africa reporter
South Africa’s National Treasury manages national economic policy, is responsible for managing South Africa’s national government finances and preparing the annual national budget.

It falls in the portfolio of the Minister of Finance, as does the South African Revenue Service and Statistics South Africa.
Its role is defined by the Constitution and in the Public Finance Management Act.

Roles and responsibilities

The National Treasury plays a pivotal role in the management of government expenditure, setting financial management norms and standards for state departments, monitoring their performance and reporting any deviations to the Auditor-General.

The Treasury also acts as a banker for national government departments; sets and maintains treasury norms and standards to ensure transparency and expenditure control in each sphere of government; and oversees logistical control of stocks and assets.

The Treasury supports the government’s macro-economic policy by determining macro limits on expenditure by departments, in line with affordability and sustainability of services. These limits guide and are matched with departments’ budget proposals for the following financial year.

Managing of public finances

Transforming public-sector financial management is one of National Treasury’s key objectives. To this end, National Treasury has been implementing the Public Finance Management Act since April 2000.

The Act has changed the approach to the way in which public funds are managed by introducing a less rigid environment for financial management, with a stronger emphasis on the prudent use of state resources, improved reporting requirements and the use of management information to enhance accountability.

Find out more

Visit the National Treasury’s website, which includes information on the Ministry of Finance as well as the budget and links to important legislation.

Read our article about South Africa’s Constitution.

Sources: National Treasury, South African Revenue Services, Statistics South Africa, and Auditor-General South Africa.

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