Send your Budget tips to Pravin


21 January 2014

South Africa’s Treasury is again inviting members of the public to give Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan advice on how to spend the country’s public money.

The minister is also encouraging South Africans to send through their suggestions on matters relating to tax and how the government can improve its management of public finances, boost economic growth and create more jobs.

The minister’s annual Budget speech, which will be delivered in Parliament at 2pm on 26 February, maps out state spending, taxation and borrowing plans for the year, while also detailing how the government will raise money and how it will be spent.

How to send your Budget tips

  • Submit them electronically via
  • Join Pravin Gordhan’s Facebook page and add your comments there.
  • Fax your comments to 012 315 5126
  • Post your comments to Private Bag X115, Pretoria, 0001

Run throughout the year, the Treasury’s Budget tips campaign ensures active participation in government programmes, especially matters related to the economy.

The campaign helps to ensure that government spending is in line with what is expected by the South African public, and to gauge public opinion on issues such as education, social services, health, job creation and taxes.

South Africa is ranked second in the world for the transparency and accountability of its budget process in the latest survey by the Washington-based International Budget Partnership.

SAinfo reporter