Check our link list for application procedures, reception offices, contacts, advice, and support organisations:
- Department of Home Affairs: www.dha.gov.za
- General information on permanent residency: www.dha.gov.za/permanent-res
- Hotline for enquiries about the Act: 0800 60 11 90
- SA representatives abroad: www.dfa.gov.za (embassies, liaison officers, etc)
- Note: Forms are no longer available via the Department of Home Affairs website. Only original application forms are accepted. Contact Home Affairs for more information.
Refugees and asylum-seekers
- Department of Home Affairs: www.dha.gov.za
- Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in SA: www.cormsa.org.za
- Lawyers for Human Rights: www.lhr.org.za
- Paralegal Advice: www.paralegaladvice.org.za
- UN Refugee Agency: www.unhcr.org
- UNHCR South Africa: Country operations profile – South Africa
- SA Human Rights Commission: www.hrc.org.za
- UCT Refugee Rights: www.refugeerights.uct.ac.za
- Cape Town Refugee Centre: www.ctrc.co.za
- Centre for Study of Violence and Reconciliation: www.csvr.org.za
- Sonke Gender Justice Network: www.genderjustice.org.za
- The Agency for Refugee Education, Skills Training & Advocacy: www.aresta.org.za
SAinfo reporter
Reviewed: March 2014
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